Consumer Awareness & Sentiments towards CANNABIS INFUSED PRODUCTS in Thailand

Sentiments of consumers in Thailand towards consumption of Cannabis infused everyday consumer products

We carried out research from 16 August 2022 to 30 September 2022 to discover the awareness and sentiments of consumers in Thailand towards the consumption of Cannabis infused everyday products. The objective is to gain a better understanding of current attitudes, behaviours, and preferences of consumers in Thailand with respect to the use and consumption of cannabis-infused products (CIP).

What is Cannabis Infused Product, hereby referred to as (CIP)?

Cannabis-infused products means products that contain cannabis or cannabis extracts, are intended for human use, and have little to no THC content. According to the Thai FDA, CIPs must have less than 0.2% THC content.

The term "cannabis-infused products" does not include either usable cannabis or cannabis concentrates.

Please note that as of 9 June 2002, cannabis is classified as a controlled herb in Thailand making it legal to manufacture, sell, purchase and consume CIPs.

Below are highlights from the research conducted.

'Top of mind' words related to cannabis

When asked about what come to mind when respondents think of cannabis, most of the responses have positive connotation with top responses being ‘beverage’, ‘water’, ‘food’, ‘medicine’, ‘noodle soup’ and even brand names such as ‘Yanhee’ and ‘M150’. Noodle soup is specific to Thai consumers as many grew up believing that Thai boat noodle soup recipe includes cannabis in the recipe. On the negative side, the only word that appeared was ‘addiction’ as shown in world cloud below.

Key Findings

  • Awareness and lifestyle drive willingness to try CIP

  • Demographics not a significant differentiator

  • Consumers prefer CIP in the following order: (1) beverages, (2) food, (3) personal care

  • Consumers expect to feel 'good', get health benefits, and the product to work as advertised

  • Consumers not willing to pay more for CIPs except for personal care products

The Inclined Consumer

The first consumer profile represents a person who is surely or likley to try CIP. This group takes 43% of sample size, which shows the high potential demand of the market.

The Undecided Consumer

The second consumer profile represents a person who is not sure to try CIPs, which is 37% of the people surveyed.

The Unenthusiastic Consumer

The third consumer profile represents a person who does not have any intention to try CIPs. We have observed 20% of sample size for the third group.

More details available in the full report on consumer profile, product preferences, and market opportunities.

Emerging Consumer Profiles

Based on the data collected from this research, three consumer profiles have been defined highlighting their demographics, lifestyle, cannabis and CIPs awareness and product preferences. For a marketer, it is useful to understand the potential consumer profiles (personas) considering the why, what, and how to target each one of the profiles defined as the Inclined, Undecided, and Unenthusiastic Consumer.